Declared Official Subcontractor for DESIS II

Published on 6th December 2010

Charles Oakes & Co. has been declared as an Official Subcontractor to successful the consortium on DESIS II, the largest IT systems contract with the European Commission.

Luxembourg 6 December 2010

Charles Oakes & Co. has been announced as Official Subcontractor to the one4EU2 consortium providing the European Commission with a broad range of information technology (IT) services.

The work will be carried out under the ESP DESIS II (‘External service provision for development, studies and support for information systems’) Framework Contract, the European Commission’s biggest framework contract in the IT area with a total estimated value of EUR 200 million over the next 4 years.

Under the Framework agreement, the specific contracts with the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Informatics (DG DIGIT) will see the consortium play a key role in the provision of diverse IT services to many Directorates-General and agencies of the European Commission.

The ESP DESIS II contract, divided into six lots, covers a wide range of IT services, including the development, implementation and maintenance of information systems relating to document management, web content management and geographical data management as well as the tools used for information and data analysis. In addition, ESP DESIS II includes work on information security and quality and tasks relating to user assistance.

Charles Oakes & Co. MD Mr. Charles Oakes stated that Charles Oakes & Co. has extensive experience in providing all sizes of clients working with and for the European institutions with top-level IT resources and services. We are very proud to be selected by our clients to assist them in this project confirming our position as a high quality resourcing company for the EU administration and public sector ICT market.

The new consortium comprises major players in this sector Intrasoft International, Unisys, I.R.I.S, Sogeti and Reggiani.

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